Peer Reviewed Publications
A complete list of Marcel Demarteau’s peer reviewed publications can be viewed by following the ORCID link below.
Contributions to Selected Reports and Proceedings
Higgs Factory Considerations
arXiv:2203.06164 [hep-ex]
J.A.~Bagger et al. continue reading >>>
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Enabling U.S. participation in Future Higgs Factories
arXiv:2203.06255 [hep-ex]
K. Black et al. continue reading >>>
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The Detector R\&D Roadmap Process Group of the European Committee for Future Accelerators, The 2021 ECFA detector research and development roadmap
DOI: 10.17181/CERN.XDPL.W2EX
Anna Colaleo et al. continue reading >>>
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Opportunities for DOE National Laboratory-led QuantISED Experiments
arXiv:2102.10996 [physics.ins-det]
Pete Barry, Karl Berggren, A. Baha Balantekin et al. continue reading >>>
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New Technologies for Discovery
Z. Ahmed et al. (submitted on July 31, 2019) continue reading >>>
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Quantum Sensing for High Energy Physics
Report of the Workshop on Quantum Sensing for High Energy Physics
Z. Ahmed et al. (submitted on July 6, 2018) continue reading >>>
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Building for Discovery
Strategic Plan for U.S. Particle Physics in the Global Context
S. Ritz et al. (submitted on May 30, 2014) continue reading >>>
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Particle and nuclear physics instrumentation and its broad connections
Rev. Mod. Phys. 88, 045007
M. Demarteau, R. Lipton, H, Nicholson and I Shpsey. (published on December 20, 2016) continue reading >>>
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Tools, Techniques, and Technology Connections of Particle Physics
Report commissioned by the associate director of High Energy Physics of the Office of Science
M. Demarteau, K. Yurkewicz (submitted September 13, 2013) continue reading >>>
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Planning the Future of U.S. Particle Physics (Snowmass 2013): Instrumentation Frontier
Instrumentation Report of the 2013 Community Summer Study on the Future of U.S. Particle Physics
M. Demarteau et al. (submitted January 23, 2014) continue reading >>>
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Planning the Future of U.S. Particle Physics (Snowmass 2013): Summary
Summary of the 2013 Community Summer Study on the Future of U.S. Particle Physics
J. L. Rosner et al. (submitted January 23, 2014) continue reading >>>
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Working Group Report: Sensors
Report to the 2013 Community Summer Study on the Future of U.S. Particle Physics
M. Artuso et al. (submitted October 18, 2013) continue reading >>>
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The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report
Volume 4: Detectors
T. Behnke et al. (submitted on June 26, 2013) continue reading >>>
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Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Report commissioned by the Executive Committee of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society
M. Demarteau, I. Shipsey et al. (submitted March 13, 2017) continue reading >>>
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Vertically Integrated Circuits at Fermilab
Conf. Proc. C 091025, 1907
G. Deptuch et al. (submitted on June 28, 2010) continue reading >>>
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Developments of Novel Vertically Integrated Pixel Sensors in the High Energy Physics Community
IEEE International Conference on 3D System Integration 1
M. Demarteau et al. (submitted October, 2009) continue reading >>>
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SiD Letter of Intent
H. Aihara et al. (submitted October 30, 2009) continue reading >>>
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Electroweak Measurements from Hadron Colliders
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 66 12
M. Demarteau (submitted September 8, 1997) continue reading >>>
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Higgs Boson and Z Physics at the First Muon Collider
M. Demarteau, T. Han (submitted January 01, 1998) continue reading >>>
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Electroweak Physics Results from the Tevatron
Proceedings of 1996 DPF / DPB Summer Study on New Directions for High-Energy Physics; Fermilab – Conf-96/353
M. Demarteau (submitted November 01, 1996) continue reading >>>
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Precision Electroweak Physics at Future Collider Experiments
Proceedings of 1996 DPF / DPB Summer Study on New Directions for High-Energy Physics; Fermilab – Conf-96/423
U. Baur, M. Demarteau et al. (submitted June, 1996) continue reading >>>
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Future Electroweak Physics at the Fermilab Tevatron
Report of the TeV-2000 Study Group; Fermilab-PUB-96-082
D. Amidei et al. (submitted April 01, 1996) continue reading >>>
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pp Collider Physics
Set of three lectures for graduate students given at Joint Belgian-Dutch-German (Aachen) School of Particle Physics, Aachen, Germany
M. Demarteau (submitted April 01, 1996) continue reading >>>
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